Saying Good-bye to Nora Ephron

I didn’t want to say good-bye to Nora Ephron – not just yet. I wanted to meet her in person. I wanted to thank her for her sharp dialogue and pithy remarks. I wanted to look her in the eye and tell her how much I appreciated her tightly crafted screenplays and journalistic approach to her BLOGS, articles and whatever she wrote.

I wanted to thank her for being human.

An example of her humanity was presented to me in 1997, after President Clinton’s tryst with Monica Lewinsky. I had a part time job as a tele-marketer, and randomly called her number. I couldn’t believe she answered the phone. I was star struck. I wanted to ask her a million questions about her writing and her life and her feelings about all kinds of issues. I wanted to invite her to tea or dinner or for a walk in Central Park. I was dying for her mentorship. Instead, I sat there in my tele-marketing cubby and read off the script. “Ms. Ephron, don’t you agree that when someone in your own family makes a mistake, you don’t disown them. You see they are human and you forgive them. Well, that’s how it is with our President. The Democrats are our family and….”

She got it. I didn’t have to say another word. She said and I quote, “He screwed up! No pun intended.” (God, she had a great sense of humor). “How much do you need?” “Whatever you feel comfortable contributing,” I replied. She was very generous with her contribution!

Still, she left too soon! There was so much more of her I wanted to see on the screen and read in her books. I wanted to send my novel to her – and pray she’d call me and say – “Good job. Great premise. I loved that you incorporated the I Ching in the story . . . But, she left before it was published.

And then, this morning, I read this passage in the New York Times . . .

Nora Ephron’s Hollywood Ending:

In “You’ve Got Mail,” Meg Ryan asks Tom Hanks why it is that men quote “The Godfather.” Tom Hanks explains that “The Godfather” is the I Ching for men.” ‘The Godfather’ is the sum of all wisdom,” he says. ” ‘The Godfather’ is the answer to any question. What should I pack for my summer vacation? ‘Leave the gun, take the cannoli.’

For women, Nora Ephron is the I Ching, the sum of all wisdom, wit, and even what to eat. Basically, anything worth saying about love, loss and, yes, what I wore, was said by Nora somewhere, be it “Heartburn,” “When Harry Met Sally,” “Julie & Julia” and every blog, book and recipe she ever published.”

So there you have it.

Nora answered my prayers. She was the I Ching to many. And because of her tremendous contribution to the planet, I send her my heartfelt blessings for a seamless passage into the next life. For I know, if she is meant to come back, she will no doubt be in the company of some very awesome, talented parents. She may even be born into my son’s family.

Who knows! Wouldn’t that be auspicious? Then, I can mother to her and shower her with gifts – just like she showered us with all of her gifts. It could happen!

With great respect and love to Nora’s family and friends….
Hats off to an AWESOME Life!

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